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Business Meeting


Our diverse team of food industry experts brings decades of experience that creates customer centric solutions for your successful management of multi-facility operations.  


We’re specialists at capturing critical data, converting it to actionable data that is then incorporated into Food Chain Management Inc | FCMI smart solutions.


Leaning on this experience while using our advanced data gathering techniques, FCMI can arm you with proven insights and predictable solutions addressing every day challenges and long term growth potential.


Transform your Business

For years, large, global companies have been using data analysts to help drive down costs and find efficiencies.
We bring the power of data to companies of all sizes. A few ways FCMI can help:


If you’re like every business we’ve worked with, you may have acknowledged there are missed opportunities that not have been lost or addressed. 


Finding the solutions to those missed opportunities is challenge #1. FCMI can help.


Let us analyze your operations and find those lost opportunities.


Technology has a way of validating we don’t know what we don’t know.


Your brand identity can be one angry tweet away from taking a hit. 


Should an incident of food borne illness or poor quality food occur at one of your locations, postings on social media can be catastrophic.


FCMI recognizes these risks and formulates risk prevention to protect your image and quality house reputation.


FCMI’s proprietary software provides automated reporting and visibility to your multi-unit organization.


Per your requirements, we will structure reports and task management tools that give you effective day-to-day management capability.


Are your taverns, restaurants or hotels running at planned peak efficiencies? 


Technology and solutions designed specifically for your environment by FCMI can rapidly compare operational efficiencies to your plan, analyze trends and allow your management to quickly respond to deficiencies.



We’re specialists at capturing and interpreting data.
We provide you with proven insights and predictible solutions to every day challenges.

Beer taps are a common source area where taverns and restaurants are literally pouring profits down the drain. In addition, poor beer quality could be driving customers away.


Companies who’ve used our Draft Line Study experienced higher keg yields and improved beer quality. We recommend this service for any tavern or restaurant serving draft beer promoting their draft beer menu.


How can data help my business?

Every aspect of your operation is a potential data point. By capturing data throughout your organization and interpreting that data, FCMI can assist you with formulating strategic management decisions surrounding such critical issues as risk mitigation, brand protection, regulatory compliance, trend analysis, resource requirements, or forensic analysis.

You’ll now have the opportunity to improve your company’s efficiency and gain a competitive edge. This includes everything from food management (from farm to table), vendor performance, utility usage, menu selection, customer interaction, equipment monitoring, indoor air quality (Covid-19), employee data, inventory management, demand forecasting and more. 

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